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One of my favorite #homeschool #books is @wildandfree.co You can find this book on my Amazon Influencer shop.
This book does a wonderful job describing what free play and imagination does for a child’s brain.
This week my kids made a fairy land out of drift wood, boulders and seaside flowers.
They created a home equipped with a wooden bridge that linked the two sides of their home.
🌊The ocean crashed behind them while seals 🦠frolicked nearby. Birds that we had only seen at the zoo circled around them.
My kids knew the names of every creature they encountered. They know what they eat. They experienced their habitat and they saw them fish for their food right before their eyes.
ROADSCHOOLING is a gift. I treasure this time with my children. Homeschooling is the greatest adventure I’ve ever experienced as a mother and, I wouldn’t have it any other way. We only get to do this life once. Their childhood is over in a blink of an eye and I don’t want to miss a moment of it.
Love, Bethannah xoxo
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