Go To Post 💪 WE HAVENT NAMED OUR RIG!! Help please 🙏
Both of these vehicles are beasts! Our rig is 44ft.
2 decks is ❤️ the #1 reason we chose the @granddesignrv #Momentum399TH #5thwheel #toyhauler
It has 👇
1️⃣ 2 Bathrooms
2️⃣ Washer & Dryer
3️⃣ Kitchen Island
4️⃣ Central Vacuum
5️⃣ A 14ft Garage
6️⃣ Toy Hauler
7️⃣ Master Bedroom + separate kids bedroom
8️⃣ A sleeping loft for kids
9️⃣ Happy Jack Queen bunk beds
🔟 Fireplace
We pull it with a DIESEL FORD TRUCK, SUPER DUTY, F350 DUALLY (that's a mouth full 😛) @fordtruckstr is made Ford Tuff & that's for real 🙌💪
My husband loves FORD! He won't buy any other brand 🇺🇸
She hauls our home with ease!!! It's a #forddually #forddiesel #fordf350 #fordf350superduty
We Can't even feel the weight we are hauling. 😳
So, after living in our new home for 6mo on the road fulltime... It's time to name these beasts. 🤗
❓Any suggestions?
#suggestionsplease #fulltimetravel #fulltimervliving #fulltimervers #fulltimefamilies #rig #riglife #rigs #travelfulltime #momentum399th #granddesigns #fordtuff

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