πŸ˜” It seems no matter...

πŸ˜” It seems no matter...

Go To Post     πŸ˜” It seems no matter which direction we turn, our heart breaks. The heaviness of the Worlds Chaos is overwhelming. 😈The enemy loves to overwhelm us. The enemy loves to rob us of our peace. The enemy loves to confuse us & divide us. The enemy loves to blind us so that we can't see hope. So while, we may choose to allow the enemy to overtake us, our emotions, our thoughts, our peace..... I am reminded by God today as I study His word, that we have a choice. We can choose to grow deeper in our faith & trust in God. We can choose to see the world, the chaos, the unrest through HIS EYES. We can choose to seek His wisdom. We can choose to allow His Spirit of Peace to saturate us. We can choose to have our roots nourished by the living Word in the Bible. When our roots are firmly planted in Him, the storms may rage around us, but we are not shaken. I admit my limbs have been shaken. I have fallen asleep in tears, praying for all that I see and feel around us. God has gifted me as an empath, but while that is a gift, it can take me off His path of peace if I take my eyes off Him, even for a moment. My life verse is John 10:10, it's what my entire ministry is built around. It says, β€œThe thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness.” What I know from His word is that CHRIST WINS... He always wins!!! We are no doubt in a battle of good vs evil. The enemy wants to take as many lives as he can. The enemies goal is to divide families, friends & countries . He wants us to bleed fear. Jesus came to give us life, peace and fullness. Not brokeness, NOT FEAR, not division among His people. So, today friends, I wanted to share what God shared with me. The storms will continue rage around us. The key is to Have your roots grow deeper in His word. In that, He will bring you His peace and abundant Hope for the future. Love, Bethannah xoxo #hopeforthefuture #godsword #nomistake #godiswithus #prayingforafghanistan #comejesus #holyspiritcome #prayers #jesusislord #peaceofmind #hope #abundantlife

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