
I don’t miss my old bedroom...
ok I’m lying
... I do miss some things!

BUT missing creature comforts is easy... I don’t want an easy, predictable life.
I want my mind to be blown daily.
I don't have to live fulltime in an RV to experience this mind-blowing adventurous life. I experience it in my relationship with Christ daily.
It hasn't always been easy to walk in love & obedience and follow the path that God whispers for me to follow... Nope, this hasn't been an easy, predictable life at all... LIKE AT ALL!!!! It's been quite adventurous, in fact

He has challenged me to step out of my comfort zone and walk in obedience more times than I can count.
Case in point, God was asking me to love my Biological father at the end of his life in a way that required total dependence on the Spirit of God living in me.
To comb his hair, cut his nails, apply lotion to his dry hands and tuck him into bed. After what he robbed me of as a child. And pray over him was the most significant act of love & obedience God had ever asked me to do.
A man that had the ability to give me panic attacks. Panic attacks gripped my lungs so tight that I felt like I had no breath left in my lungs.
I was terrified of his hands. There I was, allowing him to hold my face with his hands. Tears flowing down his cheeks as he told me he had never experienced this kind of love before.
What he felt was the Holy Spirit in me. What He felt was the love of Christ, offering him an opportunity for redemption and complete healing. To be set free from the life he led as a selfish and abusive man.
He hurt countless people, but God chose me, his daughter that he sexually abused, to show him undeserved love at the end of his life.
Stepping out of my comfort zone requires me to step out of the box the world tells me I have to stay in. The conventional box, the predictable box. The unquestioned box.
Staying in the SAFE ZONE means I don’t get the opportunity to see God perform miracles and blow my mind with His abilities. I don’t want a life of predictable.
My father received the forgiveness I offered Him and the merciful love of God that day ... BUT you guys, I WAS SET FREE!
My biological father didn’t die on HIS terms. He died on GOD'S terms.... He took something precious to me as a child, MY POWER... but in his last moments, I took my power back from the man that robbed mine. He didn’t die with MY POWER!
Waking up to the same view every morning may feel safe, but God wants to blow your mind with His view of life, but it requires stepping out of the box.
I pray this encourages you today friend xoxo

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