Go To Post How about you?!? I remember the moment looking out my car window into the darkness of the night. I didn't know where I would go.
Tears streamed down my face, not wanting to confront another day of the heaviness I carried in my heart for so many years. Realizing in that moment that I had allowed so many people to steal my peace, my joy, my happiness. I was looking into giving them my future.
I had to choose.
I had my power taken from me at such a young age, but I had the opportunity to take my power back.
I was either going to continue to allow my abusers to rob me of of one more day or I was going to stand up and take my power back!
I clearly chose the latter and you can too.
Stop giving your power away to the enemy. You have a choice. You have authority over your life. Stop shrinking and stand up! You were made for more than all of this!
The key isn't the power of you. You aren't capable of overcoming it on your own. He came to give you the strength to rise up. To stare evil in the eyes and say, NO MORE!
It's the power of Christ Living in me that gave me the strength to slay my dragons and stomp on their heads.
HE is the only way. HE overcomes all darkness.
He is always victorious. He is the ONLY way out of darkness. His love, grace, mercy and forgiveness will renew your Spirit. He is the giver of life. Life that is abundant and set free. I AM living proof!
Love, Bethannah xoxox
#madeformore #standup #youhaveavoice #yournotalone #peacemaker # christwarrior #standfirm #unappologetic
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