🤓With the New Year comes 20/20 Vision 👁👁
While all the New Year ads are geared to tell you you're not enough, you need improvement and you have work to do, I'm here to tell you God says,
Drawing close to Him by reading His word and knowing it in your heart means HE DOES THE HEAVY LIFTING 💪
He makes the changes in you & He gives you all that you need to sustain it 🤗.
If you haven's seen our "Fruit of The Spirit Collection", check it out! The Free Keepsake card that is included is a beautiful reminder of the
Bible Verse, Galatian 5:17-22
"But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!"
Use our "Fruit of The Spirit Bracelets" as a visual daily reminder that YOU ARE ENOUGH & HE DOES THE HARD WORK THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT
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